
One-on-One Debates

Fully Gamified


Debate using audio

Listen and Vote



We provide a unique platform for intellectual exchange through structured debates by fostering respectful conversations, encouraging critical thinking, and promoting informed discussions. At FCG, we aim to create a socially responsible and inclusive digital community, where everyone has a voice and vote. Join us in the pursuit of expanding understanding and broadening worldviews.



Every debate is a 1 on 1 contest.


Bite-sized debates


Recorded Debates. Listen Anytime


We value Diverse perspectives

100% gamified

From coin toss to 24-hr voting

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FCG is an innovative social media app designed for bite-sized audio debates. It allows users to listen to debates on various topics, enhancing critical thinking, broadening perspectives, and expanding worldviews.

To start using FCG, you can download the app from your device's app store and sign up for an account. Once you download the app to your phone, we have created a seamless and secure password-free sign-up process. You can sign up to create an account from the landing screen using your email ID or phone number or you can also sign up using your Google account or Apple account. Please note that if you have opted to sign up using your email or phone number, you will receive a One-time Password (OTP) to your email ID or phone number for verification. You will need to enter this OTP to proceed. Following this, you can create a username. Once you create a username, you can select topics that you would like to follow.

You can become an expert by filling out the "Become an Expert" form found in the settings page on the app. This form will ask for details about your expertise and a few other important details we need to verify you. You'll also choose your primary and secondary areas of expertise. After the form is submitted, the FCG team will review your application and get back to you with a decision.

FCG welcomes experts from diverse backgrounds, including high school and college students, individuals enthusiastic about specific topics, and those with or without formal degrees. Our criteria emphasize a sincere commitment to these areas of interest, a dedication to expanding knowledge, and the ability to contribute meaningfully to discussions. We believe that expertise comes in various forms, and we're dedicated to fostering inclusive and informed conversations within our community.

Once accepted as an expert, you'll be sent regular questions related to your area of expertise. This can be found in the expert tab of the app. When you receive a question, you'll choose one of the provided options and indicate your availability to debate. If selected for a debate, you'll face another expert who chose the opposing side. Your opponent will be selected by the FCG team and you will be notified with further information regarding the debate schedule and opponent. You are required to confirm your participation at this step.

Debates are scheduled based on the availability of the experts involved. A match will be created and posted on the home screen with a start time. Experts can enter the match five minutes prior to the start time.

The debate will be audio-based and consists of two rounds, with each contestant getting 2 minutes and 30 seconds in each round. The first step is a coin toss to determine who goes first. The winner of the toss decides whether they want to go first or second. During the debate, contestants speak through their phone's microphone when prompted.

As a user, you can listen to debates live as they are streamed. Debates are also recorded, so you can listen to them later. These debates are accessible on the app's home screen.

While you can't participate in the debate directly, you can influence the outcome by voting during the live debate and up to 24 hours after the debate ends. Your thumbs-up (+10 points) or thumbs-down (-5 points) vote can impact the match scorecard.

The topics for debates are based on user preferences selected during the onboarding process. They cover a wide range of subjects, from sports and politics to science and space technology. The topics are also location-based, ensuring relevance to your interests.

FCG stands out as a socially responsible app by fostering an environment where users can engage in respectful and educational debates. Unlike conventional social media platforms, FCG is deeply committed to expanding perspectives through structured debates led by experts, encouraging critical thinking, and promoting informed conversations. By featuring experts in various fields, FCG ensures that discussions are driven by expertise and knowledge, combating misinformation prevalent on many other platforms. Users have the opportunity to broaden their worldview, challenge their beliefs, and engage in meaningful, fact-based discussions. With a transparent voting system that includes a 24-hour voting window, FCG maintains a unique atmosphere for intellectual discourse, promoting personal growth and positive interaction among its users while ensuring a fair and thoughtful assessment of debates.

Absolutely! If you have expertise in a specific area or want to spark discussions on socially relevant topics, we invite you to join the private FCG community called FCG Think Tank. By sharing your insights and helping us create content, you'll play a pivotal role in shaping the discourse on FCG.

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